Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time for babies at the Circle B Bar Reserve

On Sunday we found the two baby Barred Owls on Alligator Alley near the bend at the lake. Getting a good photograph is hard because of the trees between our vantage point and the nest. We did briefly see both chicks and one of the adults.

I couldn't pass up this picture of the Blue Heron keeping a watchful eye on the nearby gator.

While watching for the owls on Wednesday this Green Heron was begging to get his chance with the camera. 

And finally my favorite picture of the week is a week old Sand Hill Crane with mom close by.

Click on the picture to enlarge.

I'm also watching two hawk nests (a Red Shouldered and possibly a Northern Harrier) and hope to post pictures soon of chicks. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the shot of the sandhill crane chick, Dave. It's a winner!
